Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Working to stop working

For The Man, that is...

Lemme preface by saying that I like my job. Barbizon is a great company, my boss is easy to get along with, I'm head of my department so I get all the responsibility I want AND I'm left alone to run it my way. Sounds perfect, right?

Well, nothing's perfect and the grass is always greener. So I'm picking up more side work. I just got hired as the editor of the Gambling Weblog. They don't pay much right now, but we'll see if we can't either squeeze more money out of them later or parlay that gig into something different that pays more.

I've also started up a bunch of different websites, all geared towards affiliate marketing and generating revenue. So far, they're not really generating anything, but I have high hopes. The way this affiliate marketing works is like this - I build a website about bluegrass music. People who are googling bluegrass artists or terms find my website. While they're on my site, they follow a link to Amazon and buy something. I get a 4% commission. Or they click on one of the google ads or use the google search bar. I get a few cents per click every time someone does that, whether they buy anything anywhere or not.

So I'm spending a lot of the time I used to spend playing poker on the internet writing web content and developing websites instead, all in the hopes of someday being able to leave my killer job for an even more killer job - working for myself as a professional writer. I'm not holding my breath, but for now these little side gigs do a good job of paying for trips to Vegas and other sundry places that we like to go, not to mention padding my bankroll.

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