Thursday, January 04, 2007


So this is the time of year when folks put on their magic glasses and peer into the future to see who and what the year will bring them. I'm not much into that reflective bullshit, but here goes.

I need, not want but need for 2007 to bring a slimmer Falstaff. Suzy and I have a weight loss bet going - whoever loses the most weight in '07 gets to pick our vacation destination for '08. If the winner loses more than 60 lbs, they can pick someplace outside the continental US. Since I don't really care to go to Paris, but would like to go tot Australia, I need to win this bet.

I'd like for 2007 to bring more writing work. I've found a few people willing to pay for my scribblings in '06, and I'm actively looking to expand that field this year. In addition to that, I'm following the tips of Scrurvydog over at Gadooney on affiliate marketing and trying to scare up a few nickels that way. It would be nice to see the light at the end of the debt tunnel through freelance design and writing work. Maybe then we could look at the possibility of job changes. I like my gig at Barbizon, but after 11 years, there's not much new under the sun here for me anymore, so it's time to be looking for the next thing. It would be nice if the next thing were writing for a living, but that's gonna take a stretch.

I don't know what '07 will bring theatrically, but it's not likely to be anything that I produce. There aren't any projects out there that are screaming for me to throw my heart and soul into them, so for now at least I'm just gonna whore myself out for design money. Not a bad gig, since that pays for a couple trips to Vegas every year.

I plan to be in Vegas at least twice this year, once for the blogger summer get-together and again for the winter gathering. I'd like to make it to Oklahoma for Gary's thing if it happens, and if there's a Bash at the Boathouse, then I'll be in Malvern. Otherwise my travel is pretty open. Let's just see what comes of it.

It's gotta be better than 2006.

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