Saturday, January 20, 2007


Yeah, I went. It was kinda cute, but not really my thing. Let's face it, singers should sing, and by and large leave the acting to actors. I know some folks think opera is supposed to be the grandest form of theatre, but it just doesn't cut it to me. It all seems overblown, with no sense of real emotion anywhere.

Give me a small black box theatre with a half-dozen actors working for peanuts that really care about the show any day. Suzy's costumes were good, but there was obviously no communication between costuming. lighting and scenic designers, otherwise no one would have been wearing a pink dress under pink and blue lights against a teal wall. Just not good, folks. And how about a little light upstage? Maybe?

I stuck around for the first two acts, running time 2:30. Just didn't have enough gas in the tank for Act III, so we came home.

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