Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New toy

I just got a new smartphone, a Treo 650, used from my buddy Alan. It came in the mail today, and since it does indeed work on the SunCom network, I'll be adding a data plan and now I have a coolio geek phone with calendar, web browser and all that jazz built in.

My hope is that I can use the Palm platform in it to keep my inherently unorganized self a little more on track and on task. On task is probably hopeless, but maybe I can avoid missing anymore production meetings for upcoming shows.

1 comment:

tcsparky said...

Welcome to the Treo geek club!!! I'll come over and help you with it any time you want. It is very useful (as all good geek tools are) but can also be fun. We just need to figure out why I couldn't beam you stuff last night.