Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Crucible

Did I mention that I'm a bit of a masochist? In addition to taking the leading role in this little Shakespeare thing going on in April, I'm also still doing the whole freelance design thing. So last night I went to watch a run through of The Crucible, which is my next project. Or one of my next projects, rather, as I'll be bouncing between rehearsals for the Arthur Miller masterpiece of depression and Les Miserable, that Victor Hugo ode to a loaf of bread.

They open the same night.

I mentioned that I'm a bit of an idiot on top a masochist, right? So my plan is to get Crucible hung and focused this weekend, and maybe even programmed, so that lighting can be completely done before I leave town next week to attend the Southeastern Theatre Conference, where I'm teaching three workshops that I know nothing about and freaking out over the ridiculous number of words I have to remember while doing more situps than Jack Lalane for I'll be more Petruchio than Pe-tubby-o in April.

I might be freaking out a little.


Shakespeare Carolina said...

Relax Slappy

Pokerwolf said...

Dude! You don't do things halfway, do you?

Hang in there, bro!

tcsparky said...

Hmmm...sounds like you're a little busy. Sure you have time for poker?