Monday, February 26, 2007

First read-thru

So the good news is that I think I can probably still do this acting thing. The better news is that it's a good cast. And even better, it feels fun again. It's been a long time since theatre was fun, and that's what I've missed.

I enjoy lighting, and I get satisfaction out of making pretty pictures with lighting, but it's not what I'd call fun. It's also largely solitary, with input really only from the director and the other designers. I never really feel like a part of the ensemble as a lighting designer, because I'm not. Those people have been owrking very closely together for weeks to build something that I'm coming into at the last minute. Even the tightness of the crew is something I don't experience, because I'm not on headset with them and not in there every night working to make it happen. I do my bit, get my check, go on my merry way.

This is different. I'm going to spend the next two months with these people. Roughly five nights a week. I'm in the middle of this, not on the edges. It felt good to be there again.



Pokerwolf said...

Isn't acting awesome?

I haven't acted in AGES either. I might have to give it a go in the future.

There better be some "Petruchio pictures" posted somewhere when you guys go live. Video would be even better.

tcsparky said...

You'll be great. I have a lot of faith in you.