Monday, February 26, 2007

It all starts again

I was three years ago the last time I walked across the stage as an actor. It was more like 16 the last time I carried the leading male role in a show. It's never happened in a Shakespeare play. To say I'm a little concerned with my ability to pull this off would be an understatement. It's not the acting that I'm sweating. If I can pull off a $100 bluff on the river with nothing but a busted Queen-high flush draw I can handle the acting part of it. It's more the looking retarded because I'm old, fat and out of shape and here I am supposed to be Petruchio.

You're welcome to follow along and see how it goes. I'll try to document the process the best I can.

Day 1 - Fuck me, that's a lot of words.


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