Monday, May 15, 2006



The day after USA Today broke the story that the National Security
Agency (NSA) aimed to "create a database of every call ever made"
within the U.S., as one of the paper's sources put it, a Washington
Post-ABC News poll found that 63 percent of those who were asked said
they found the NSA program to be an acceptable way to fight terrorism,
and 44 percent said they strongly approved of it.

Still, the news
comes at an inopportune moment, given that Senate confirmation hearings
are expected to begin this week for General Michael Hayden, the former
NSA director whom Bush has nominated to be director of the Central
Intelligence Agency.

No, really, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!?!? I don't really give a shit that the NSA may be watching me, I expect it after all with my left-leaning liberal hippy-ass blog-writing tendencies and the fact that I think GW Bush is a fucking draft-dodging war criminal without the cojones to fight in a war himself but plenty of stones to send a bunch of poor kids and weekend warriors to die in a desert, but why in God's name (or whoever else's) does the NSA need a record of "every call ever made?"

Orwell called this one, boys. This shit is really starting to get scary.

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