Monday, November 28, 2005

Blogging is like AA

In that it is therapuetic, but somewhat embarassing to admit to. When I was a junior in college, I went into AA because I felt that I had a drinking problem.

Now, any of you that have associated with me recently are thinking "He doesn't seem to have a problem with it, he gets loaded just fine." And I tend to agree with that. BUT I needed some sober time for self-evaluation to realize that my problem wasn't with all the booze that I was drinking, it was with the foul crazy-ass women I was chasing. But that's a whole nother series of posts.

But one thing I remember from my time going to AA meetings was somebody telling me "keep your recovery private. You'll want to shout from the rooftops that you're clean, but people are just going to look at you funny, and with pity, and differently. And you're not going to like that."

Well, yes, people do look at you funny when you say you keep a blog, but that doesn't bug me. I'm accustomed to people looking at me funny. I'm funny-looking, it happens.

What is interesting is when people tell me that they read my blog. Or people that I know in my day to day life leave comments. That's a little odd. I've been going through this verbal bulemia here with no thought that anybody actually reads this thing, more of an exercise in memories and working the writing muscles. It's kinda odd to think of someone actually reading it. And cool, too. Because for somebody to actually remember a conversation that we had and go look this thing up means they give a shit, which is cool.

So thanks for stopping by, I'm glad to meet you.

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